Monday, April 30, 2007

Ecclesiastes 4

"a cord of Three strands"
Ecclesiastes 4

Solomon continues his thoughts about life in the matter of oppression, friendship, and wisdom in the workplace. Depression factor: half

Key Verse(s):
4:12 "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
4:13 "Better a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who no longer knows how to take warning."

This story opens up with Solomon commenting on the horrors of oppression, and how those who are not yet born are better off (v.3)! What a statement! Look at the world today! Not much as changed has it? If I were to see everything under the sun, I would probably agree with wise Solomon.
In the next part of the chapter, in only a few verses, Solomon talks about the problem with just working, without enjoying life. This reminds me of a couple friends who don't know any other life, but to work all day...I can understand the fun of work at times, but if you nothing else BUT work...hmm.
Two more parts of this chapter: the next part focuses on friendship, and the importance of staying together as friends. Two [friends] can defend themselves, though one may be overpowered. A cord of three strands is not easily broken (v.12). The final part of this chapter talks about the benefit of wisdom over foolishness, and compares a poor, but wise youth to a foolish, but old king. However, even though the youth may have followers, but those who came "later" (v.16), meaning those who didn't know the foolish king, did not like the youth.

I see a couple things in the chapter that really stand out to me. First of all, in verse 12, it talks about the cord of three stands that are not easily broken. I see (or should I say, it was revealed to me) a couple ways to look at this verse. The first is the most obvious: a bond of three friends together is more powerful together than alone - or something to that nature.
The second, and more deeper way I see this verse follows the same line of thought, but I believe that the third strand is not another human friend, but rather God Himself. The first part of this verse mentions two people defending themselves, yet now we're talking about three. I believe two friends plus God (as a friend of course) makes the ultimate cord!

Also, in the last part of this chapter regarding wisdom and succession: isn't that so true in today's society? A wise, but young person can replace a foolish old manager (for example) and those currently under his/her supervision are happy and pleased with this - even if the person is younger than they are. But those who come in later, and don't know the foolish old manager don't like the younger and wiser youth. How true...but how sad. I'm reminded (and perhaps Solomon was too) of Joseph, who came from prison into kingship (v.14). You might also think of Daniel today, but Solomon didn't know of him, since the story of Daniel took place in the divided kingdom after Solomon's death. I mean, it's possible God revealed to him the story of Daniel...I'm not putting it completely out of the picture...but unlikely! And that was a pointless rabbit trail! The point is - moving up in the ranks won't always gain you respect - or at least, the respect you may gain won't last forever.

My conclusion to this story is this: It's important to stick with your close friends, and to make God that third strand of cord. Pray for each other, encourage each other, and stand together, lest Satan try to separate you from each other. These are words of personal wisdom as well. It is better not to exist than to cut the strand of Christ from your friendship. For if Christ isn't part of your friendship, how can anything prevail? I've made this mistake not long ago, and the consequences are hardly bearable. Yet I know with Christ, our bond as three strands will be stronger than ever once again.
My Friend, who has promised to never leave me nor forsake me, I thank you once again for your unfathomable love. I come to you with personal issues that only You can heal with time. Please make me a stronger servant of yours, and reunite the friendship I have forsaken into a cord of three strands, so that nothing will be ever again be able to unravel it, as long as You part of the cord.
Help me not to focus on advancing my life into high job placements, but to rather work at everything I do for the glory of Your kingdom, and may Your will be done in the workplace, that I may increase your kingdom through the power of the Holy Spirit.

And Lord, may I never again be the oppressor, but may I be the one who helps put an end to oppression. I love you - and even those three words don't come close to saying what I really want to.
Your servant and your friend,