Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Ecclesiastes 8

"Obedience to Wisdom!"
Ecclesiastes 8
To briefly summarize this chapter, I would say that Solomon mainly talks about the vast difference between wisdom and foolishness, while also seeding a few proverbs in-between!

Key Verse(s):
8:1b - "Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance."
16-17 - "When I applied my mind to know widsom and to observe man's labor on earth--his eyes not seeing sleep day or night - then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it." (NIV)

Solomon tells us in this chapter that there is a proper time and procedure to everything (v6), and that if we obey 'the king' (or whoever is in control), our wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.
Solomon also tells us that we can't know our future, and, even though the wicked deserve a short life and the righteous deserve a long life, this may not always come true, and is thus meaningless. But God wants us to enjoy the life He has given us, and to be glad (v15)!
Finally, Solomon notes that no one can understand meaning of everything - even if a great wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it (v17).

I wonder how many times we have neglected to listen to those who are older and wiser (like 'the king') and did not heed their advice. If we could learn to do that, our hearts would know the proper time and procedure for everything. This would include any time of decision regarding life, work, relationships (which is applicable to me right now), and much more. Wisdom is the key to everything isn't it? And wisdom comes through obedience to the 'king' in this chapter - but we could say obedience to the King of Kings will bring about the greatest wisdom of all.
Though we may not know our future, God still wants us to be happy and glad with the life He has given us. Therefore it is our job to glorify our Lord for blessing us with the life we have! Even when things don't always go as planned, remember chapter 7 when Solomon reminded us that God puts both the good and bad in our lives!

My King,
Again I bring to you my sins and ask for forgiveness. Make me more like you everyday, so that my life will become blameless and upright in your eyes, even though it already is because of Your Son Jesus. Thank you for your Son, and for the sacrifice He made for me and for the world.
Lord, help my heart to know the right time and procedure for things here on earth. You know my heart and where I'm trying hard to trust in You regarding my relationships. Please reveal your will for my life, and allow me to be more patient while I wait for your answer! May I glorify you in all that I do!

Also Lord, thank you for the change in my appearance - that I am no longer hard, but rather broken and brightened with Your wisdom!

I love You,
Micah - Amen

Ecclesiastes 7

"Practice makes Patience!"
Wisdom is Sweet
Ecclesiastes 7
To briefly summarize this chapter, I would say that Solomon mainly talks about the vast difference between wisdom and foolishness, while also seeding a few proverbs in-between!

Key Verse(s):
7:3 - "Sorrow is better than laughter, for by sadness of face the heart is made glad." (ESV)
7:8b - "...the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." (ESV)
7:12b - "...wisdom preserves the life of him who has it." (ESV)
7:19 - "Wisdom gives strength to the wise man more than ten rulers who are in a city."(ESV)

This chapter spoke volumes to me. I read it a couple times this week and both times there were things that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention. The main lesson in this chapter is the importance of gaining wisdom. Without wisdom, we are foolish, and the foolish perish with a meaningless life. 7:8 tells us that patience is better than pride. I can't BEGIN to tell how true that statement is! Being patient is not an easy thing to do. It might be easy to wait for chocolate cookies to come out of the oven (or maybe it's not), but try waiting for the Lord to direct your path, whether in the job-related field or the relationship field. Try waiting before you get married before you become physically involved with your spouse (that will REALLY test your patience). BELIEVE ME, if you're PATIENT, God will see you through and it will be worth it!
The Bible says that we shouldn't look back to the past and think of those days as "better" (v10). I've done that before and it has never been productive.
v12 says that wisdom preserves the LIFE of its possessor! How amazing is that?!
v19 says that Wisdom gives strength to the wise man more than ten rulers in a city! Solomon doesn't take wisdom lightly. This is an essential and key component of a strong and healthy Christian.
Solomon also noted toward the end of the chapter that it was hard for him to find an upright man - only one in a thousand! But not even ONE upright woman in them all! wow! When I find one that IS upright, I will be truly blessed :)

I read verses 13-14 where the word "consider" was used. This to me seems like a really deep and powerful word. Consider. "Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked? When times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other."
God made both the good and bad times. We are to glorify Him in both. These verses could never speak truer to me, as I've been letting God handle a relationship that I've been holding on to by myself. If it is His will, I may still regain what I once have lost. If it is His will though, I may also gain something that I have never had before. The point is, I want what His will is and not mine. This is what makes this relationship so hard, because I already know what I want. Does this mean that God has laid the truth on my heart, or am I still listening to my own selfish desires? If I'm spending most of my time now with God, does that mean that I still feel the same way about this relationship, that it is God's will?
Ok - that was a rabbit trail of thought!
vs 18b says that the wise man who FEARS GOD will avoid the extremes of foolishness and wickedness. Another amazing promise for those who fear God.

My Best Friend and Comforter, I bring my sins before you and ask you to forgive me for displeasing You in them. Make me more like you: holy, blameless, and righteous. There is none like you Lord.
Thank you for your comfort and wisdom. Please continue to bring wisdom into my life, as I move forward in life, as I get ready to graduate, move back to Andover, and begin another chapter of my life. You know my needs and desires O Lord. Help me to be persevere and to be patient for what I desire. And may my desires delight you O Lord. May they be pleasing in Your eyes.
Your servant and friend,